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Affordable And Easy Man Cave Decor Ideas

Posted by CutsMetal on

Whether you’re talking about a den, a home theater or a workshop, the one thing all man caves have in common is that they’re made to be the places where men can feel their most comfortable. No matter what you do there, your man cave is an expression of your personality and your passions. It also can be a big investment, if you decide to go all-out. However, building the man cave of your dreams doesn’t have to break your budget. With a few creative and affordable man cave decor options, you can get the look you want and still have the money you need to afford that big-screen TV, jukebox or vintage leather couch that will be the centerpiece of your private space. Here are some cheap and easy man cave ideas you can use to create the man cave decor you want.

Repurpose Sports Equipment

Many man caves are built around a love of sports, so one of the easiest man cave ideas is to turn old sports equipment into decor. Used baseball bats, football helmets, hockey sticks and other equipment can be found on the cheap at flea markets and at resale shops. A simple coat of paint and a few nails can turn any piece of sporting equipment into wall art. If you’re a little handier, you can turn those bats, sticks, racquets and other equipment into chair backs, table legs and other do-it-yourself furniture.

Vintage Maps Make You Well-Traveled

Nothing says “worldly” like a weathered map, and antique stores and flea markets are a great place to find one. Whether you put it in a frame or simply hang it on the wall as-is, a vintage map can give your man cave a touch of refinement — making you feel like a world-class globe-trotter, even if you’ve never left your hometown.

The Industrial Look

Nothing says “hard work” and “heavy duty” quite like diamond plate. Affordable aluminum diamond plate panels make a great addition to your workout room, garage or any other type of man cave you have, and their lightweight, easy-to-install nature makes them perfect for DIY projects. This can make a great backdrop for wherever you store a classic car or motorcycle, too. With these panels, you can have a heavy-duty look without a heavy-duty hassle. And they are available in several colors, as well.

Put Your Treasures on Display

Shelves, shadow boxes and display cases are near-essentials for any man cave, because they’re the best way to show off all the items you’ll probably be keeping there. Whether you have autographed baseballs, vintage action figures, antique auto parts or any other kind of collection you’re proud to show off, shelves and display cases are the best way to make them the focal point of your man cave. Plus, they’re relatively inexpensive compared to other decor options.

Your man cave should be the perfect expression of your personality, but that can be difficult to pull off with a budget. Follow these cost-conscious man cave decor ideas, however, and you may find a tip that can save you some money and get you closer to the man cave of your dreams.